When I say “It’s time to start going to a gym” – What’s the first things to run through your mind?
I’ve tried it before and I never went.
I don’t want to be creeped on.
I don’t have time.
I don’t know what I’m doing so people will laugh at me.
Instead of coming up every excuse in the book why gyms suck and doing nothing is better, try to consider that maybe you chose the wrong gym for you.
And the room illuminates!
Yes, it is possible that gyms, in the traditional sense (free weights, cardio equipment and machines) is not everyone’s cup of tea. I find that crazy because I think the traditional gym is Disney World for adults.
Well thanks to Capitalism and the undying effort to differentiate oneself, this has opened the flood gates of new types of gyms and fitness available to people.
You also want to consider that exercise is whatever you define it as. I consider exercise to be lifting weights and playing sports. Call me a traditionalist or old fashion. You might like to dance and that could be your exercise. I wouldn’t because I have 2 left feet and the rhythm of a Elaine.
Courtesy of giphy.com
But I digress.
So you’re probably saying now, “OK Dave you sold me. I hadn’t considered there were different types of gyms. I only considered lifting weights as my only source of exercise. You are so wise and quite the salesman.”
OK the last part is a bit of a stretch, but let me blow you away with what I do on a Saturday morning.
Let’s assume (yes I know what it means to assume) that you are interested starting to go to a gym, where do you start?
First let’s look at….
Yeah Capitalism! Since we are all unique butterflies, here is a list with at least one thing that tickles your fancy:
Now you know about the different types out there, I suggest you click on the links and check out what specifically they offer. Just don’t do it now, you still have some reading to do here.
This is the important part. There isn’t one shoe that fits everyone. Browse their websites and pick a couple that you would like to check out. Like buying a house, the pictures online are always better than in person. I suggest checking it out in the time frame you think you’ll be going in. So if you think you’re going to hit the gym in the 4-6pm time frame, check out the gym in that window too. There is a whole different breed of animal in the 4-6pm window compared to the 12-1 pm window. When you get there check these things out:
Don’t get overwhelmed, these are all things you can pick up on a quick tour. Take a pdf of this along with you if you need it.
OK so now you found a gym that meets all your criteria to excel. Your ready to go for the first time but you’re still uneasy like the first day of high school. Here is what to do when..
This can be an uneasy experience for you and some people might skip it, but not you. You went through all this work to find a good gym and now you are going to get your monies worth rather than just blindly pay their rent.
I’m going to focus on gyms here and not specialty gyms here. Specialty gyms have the class structure and usually a beginner’s program to help guide you in. For the rest of us, we are left to our own devices to succeed or fail. But don’t worry I’ve got your back.
Before you hit the gym you should have some sort of workout plan rather than just blindly sampling each piece of equipment. (Next week I’ll give you a beginner’s workout to take with you.) Just like your first time having sex, don’t expect your first gym session at the new gym to be good.
The first time at a new gym is the test drive, if you work up a sweat or pump that’s just an added bonus. Your main goal is to learn the lay of the land and get familiar with the ebb and flow of the crowd.
Ebb and flow of the crowd? Yes, if you go to a gym enough you notice patterns of how groups exercise and when they use certain pieces of equipment. A majority of the gym will use a bodybuilders method where they follow this schedule:
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms
This means that the bench press on Monday is damn near impossible to get to. So out smart them and do back on Monday. Crazy I know, but we (meaning me) think outside the box at Aesthetic Physiques.
When I go I have a plan each day with barbell work, dumbbells and then machines. However, I can’t always do it in this order. Sometimes there is a log jam in the dumbbell area so I’ll go over to machines then when the dumbbell area clears out I’ll tackle them.
Make yourself flexible and move on to the next thing if a certain area is jammed up and go back to it after. After a while you’ll notice the flow of the gym and you can program your workouts to reflect that.
A little too far down the rabbit hole but it’s good info none the less.
So you’ll take the workout I give you and now what?
Well unfortunately or fortunately you can’t go to the gym naked. You need some proper clothes to wear. Gyms don’t allow jeans because the buttons might rip the benches. Since you can’t wear your super fly new skinny jeans here is what you can wear as an alternative:
Men and Women:
Courtesy of vh1.com
Ladies, opt for a sports bra. I don’t care if you have bee stings or the biggest boobs in the world. You need protection up there. I will laugh at you if you give yourself a black eye when you run without one on.
Now that you are properly dress, it’s time to go.
Different times bring different numbers and different types of people. Here is a quick breakdown assuming a 5am – 9 pm business hour place:
My advice is to hit the gym in the morning. That way you don’t have the excuse you’re too tired or it’s too busy. Hang out with the old people and pump some iron.
An important part of being at the gym is “gym etiquette”. Yes, there are certain unwritten or written rules you should obey to ensure smooth sailing.
On The Gym Floor
Locker Room
Image by Adam Medders Photography for The Dapper Style
Courtesy of calorieking.com
Courtesy of paintingyourselfpretty.com
Courtesy of metalmadefitness.com
Courtesy of flexoffense.com
Courtesy of lockerdome.com
Courtesy of livelifeactive.com
Courtesy of fitnesseagles.com
Since you’re just starting off, most gyms offer personal training and some offer a free session to hook you.
But do you need one?
While I can’t give you a definite answer, I suggest you take them up on the offer of a free session if available. It’s one session and there is no monetary commitment so far, so really there is no down side.
There are situations where I think a personal trainer would be a good investment:
Other than these examples everything can be learned through videos and reading super sweet websites like this.
If you are going to commit to a personal trainer, then here is a list of what you should ask and known before you sign up.
There are 2 huge red flags and you should find a new personal trainer immediately:
Almost done I swear. This whole thing would be useless without these last 2 points. OK, maybe just this next point.
Just starting off, the first 6 months you will notice a rapid strength increase. Unfortunately, that is just your nervous system making more muscle nerve connections to increase the amount of muscle used.
Strength in generated first by how many muscle fibers you have firing. More connections = more strength. Then when your saturated the amount of muscle-nerve connections then the muscle gets bigger to continue getting stronger.
Like with doing anything you’re not used to doing you will be sore. Be prepared. It won’t be the end of the world it’s just your body adapting. Make sure you get proper sleep and nutrition to help elevate the soreness. Don’t skip a workout because of soreness. Work another body part or go light to help flush the lactic acid from the muscle. Movement will help you recover faster than laying on the couch.
Don’t let soreness be the measuring stick for a good workout. Once you progress or do different types of training you might not be sore, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t get a good workout.
In regards to fat loss, don’t expect to lose 30 lbs of fat in 2 weeks unless you get lipo. Give yourself time. Consider how long it took you to get to the weight you are now, what the hell would make you think it would be quicker to lose it?
Now this last section is specifically geared towards the guys. But ladies if you want a good laugh at the mental anguish that men feel at the gym, feel free to read on.
Yes, I’m going there. Showering at the gym.
We’ve all seen the movies, the laughs, the jokes, the stares, the towel whipping. It’s enough stress to rationalize smelling like a homeless guy all day.
But honestly, it’s nothing like that. Except for that one time when I got the up and down while getting ready to go in the shower. I kinda felt like I needed a shower after that.
Besides that one-time no one creeped me out. I’ve showered in stalls and prison style and I can honestly say that I have no more trepidation about it. I have enough shit to worry about then some guy getting an eye full of me in my birthday suit.
So how did I do it?
Well being in locker rooms enough you’ll notice people around you and the total lack of a reaction to the nakedness and clothing. I’ve seen more older men walking around and talking to their friends than I care to admit.
So one day I decided to go for it. Hell, if these old guys with their saggy skin and old balls can do it then why can’t I? So I dropped my draws and walked into the showers about 10 ft away with my towel in my hand and my junk in the breeze. No on whipped me with a towel, no one laughed, no one stared. Honestly no one gave a shit. They continued to do what they were doing before I took my big walk.
Really? This is what was making me anxious?
So after that it’s never bothered me. In our heads we tend to think we are a lot more important and the center of the universe then we actually are. But in reality we are just another guy with a fear of showing our hang down.
I wouldn’t have wasted 430 words on something that didn’t mean anything. Just don’t have a boner when you do it, that’s awkward for everyone.
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Featured Image courtesy of exercise.com
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