Welcome To The Bicep Workout

  Who doesn’t love the biceps? A nice pair of biceps seems to be the all access key when going out on the weekend. When I’m at the gym on a Friday or Saturday and see everyone hitting arms to get a good weekend pump, I always have this scenario playing in my head...

20 Life Lessons I learned from the gym

Slow and steady wins the race  Ask anyone from successful entrepreneurs to professional bodybuilders, small-calculated risks over time can lead to exponential success. Big leaps rarely result in success. Success is built on incremental gains. Use your head Think...

The NFL vs the ACL

Like any other red-blooded American late summer/early fall is a very exciting time. Football is coming back and most importantly; I can craft the next fantasy football champion. However, there is always a concern to me, other fantasy football aficionados and the NFL...

What’s The Right Diet Plan For Me?

In a fast paced world we all want equally fast results. The only problem is some results take time, such as altering your body’s norm. People will promise you that you can lose 20lb in a week or that you can drop 2 dress sizes by that wedding next week, but in all...

32 Menu Words To Be On The Lookout For

Going out to eat when you’re trying to eat healthy is like trying to walk through a calorie minefield. Restaurants tend to cook with fat, add ridiculous amounts of sodium all to make the food taste good. Yes it’s good for business when you have customers coming back,...