Tracking Progress like a Boss

  Like business, in order to track progress, you need metrics. In order to see growth you need something to compare it too. There is a couple of ways to track progress: Workout Tracking If your goal is to gain strength, (who’s isn’t?) this is a good method to...
The Bench Press And You

The Bench Press And You

The bench press. The litmus test for strength. Why this is, I’m not 100% sure. To me the deadlift is the litmus test for strength due to the muscles recruited and the amount of weight per lift but who is asking me? All I get is “What’cu bench?” Since so many people...

The Beginners Guide to Fitness

A little disclaimer before we start, this article is slightly different than the content I have been producing, trying something a little different with some long form content rather than the short typical Internet articles. I’d love to hear feedback on which is...

What is this Exercise you speak of?

Merriam Webster defines exercise as physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier. So many people equate exercise with lifting weights and other physical things they find boring. This negative outlook doesn’t inspire people to change their...