Why A Plateau Is The Antichrist

OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET STRONGER?!? I HATE WORKING OUT! These were the top three answers based on a poll of initial thoughts when progress stalls at the gym – aka hitting the infamous plateau.  Keep in mind that this was a poll of...

The Mixed Bag of Tricks Workout

Whenever you do something over and over eventually you hit that point when it starts to suck.  The thing you used to love now has become more of a pain than a pleasure.   When that thing is working out it makes you not want to get up before the roosters to do...

Lift Heavy, Get Lean, Get Abs

Buck conventional wisdom about burning fat in the gym.  Lift heavy, get lean, get abs. Ask 100 people how to burn fat in the gym and you’ll hear the same two answers – lots of cardio and do a lot of reps with light weight.  Like the Ripped Strength post, I am...
The Ripped Strength Workout

The Ripped Strength Workout

Cutting and lifting crazy volume go together like lamb and tuna fish. People that saw Big Daddy will get it, people who didn’t will think I’m retarded.  Before you start, I’m thinking of getting some sweet-ass Aesthetic Physiques t-shirts made.  If you’re...