The Ripped Strength Workout

The Ripped Strength Workout

Cutting and lifting crazy volume go together like lamb and tuna fish. People that saw Big Daddy will get it, people who didn’t will think I’m retarded.  Before you start, I’m thinking of getting some sweet-ass Aesthetic Physiques t-shirts made.  If you’re...

Pushing Your Comfort Zone: You 2.0

What do losing fat, gaining wealth and learning a new language all have in common?  All these, and more, require you to get out of your comfort zone.  The ages of 18-25 were great years.  Not for anything responsible like getting Dean’s List or working a sweet...

The Beginner’s Workout For Women

The beginner’s workout for women will help you get toned, lose fat and help you eat that pizza on girl’s night. Before you start, I’m thinking of getting some sweet-ass Aesthetic Physiques t-shirts made.  If you’re interested in wearing the hottest gear in...

Fitness Trackers: I Burned How Many Calories?!?

What fitness trackers are good for, what they suck at and how to use one to without sabotaging your gainz. Before you start, I’m thinking of getting some sweet-ass Aesthetic Physiques t-shirts made.  If you’re interested in wearing the hottest gear this...

The 15-Minute Fat Burning Workout

15 minutes is all you need for a full body workout to get your heart pumping and the fat burning.  I get it. You know you need to work out but you don’t know how you can fit it into your busy schedule. Work is killing you. The kids are nonstop. All you wanna do is...