Using Brown Fat To Get A Flatter Stomach

Using Brown Fat To Get A Flatter Stomach

  “What the f#ck is brown fat?” That was my initial reaction when I someone told me about this supposed “brown fat”.  It turns out Brown fat is real, It is helpful in our struggle to lose those beer guts or muffin tops. The body has 2 different types of fat,...
How Much Fish Oil Should I Take?

How Much Fish Oil Should I Take?

  Fish oil supplementation is not a new thing. It seems like everyone I talk to has taken a fish oil supplement at least once in their life because of a) their doctor told them to or b) someone else was doing it.  (While I don’t condone either option without a...
How To Prevent A Hangover

How To Prevent A Hangover

  What do New Year’s day and my entire college career have in common? Massive hangovers causing me to watch Netflix marathons of shows I don’t even like.  New Year’s day 2016 saw me deadlift (had to keep the streak alive) and proceed to not move from the couch...