Getting Dick Skin Shredded: The Busy Guy Abs Plan

Getting Dick Skin Shredded: The Busy Guy Abs Plan

I’m a busy guy, how can I get abs? I don’t have all day to spend in the gym. I just got this new work project. My family is crazy busy. There’s a lot of confusion around getting abs. It can seem like the furthest thing from reality and something you have...

M.I.L.F. Your Way to Fat Loss

I know the key to fat loss, I just have to do more cardio. It makes sense, right? Fat loss is basically can you burn more than you consume? To maximize the calorie burn you have to do more.  So put your running shoes on, get a good playlist and run in place until you...

The Truth About The Keto Diet

Lose fat while eating bacon for breakfast every day and preventing cancer! Sounds a little like a 4:00 AM infomercial type of diet, doesn’t it? But that’s the promise of the Ketogenic Diet (keto) diet and the reason it’s hot, hot, hot. Depending on who you ask, keto...

The Definitive Guide on Fat Loss

Fat loss is a fickle beast.  Sometimes you get lucky, but most of the time you want to smash the mirror into the toilet… Or maybe I just have anger issues. Some people claim it’s as easy as calorie in calorie out which is true…to a point.  But...

Testosterone: Muscles, Morning Wood and Steroids

Keep in mind, I am not a doctor even though I did spend seven years in college.  This is for informational purposes only.  Don’t be an idiot, consult your doctor before trying anything. How do I increase my testosterone? Go into any fitness forum, gym or talk any...