How Ice Cube Can Help You Lose Weight

Ice Cube is going to drop some knowledge on why you can’t lose weight.  If you grew up in the late 80’s-early 90’s there is a good chance you were raised on the same music I was – West Coast Gangsta Rap.  As you might have guessed, being a white kid growing up...

Pancakes is Ready! How to make Simple Protein Pancakes

Eating healthy sucks sometimes.  I hope I can make it suck 37% less by giving you some recipes from my kitchen and the kitchens of other Aesthetic Physiques readers.     If you have healthy recipes that you love, send them over to and...

Diet Recovery For The Weak Willed… Like Me

One slip up at lunch doesn’t mean you need to go off the rails for the rest of the week.  This is how you can slip up and still stick to your diet.   As I write this I’m in an intense staring contest with a giant bowl of Halloween candy.  Butterfingers, Snickers...

How to Successfully Waste Time at the Gym

Add time to your day by saving it in the gym. Avoid these time wasters to improve your life outside the gym.   Multitasking is the norm for the day.  You need to post to Instagram while updating your Facebook profile while getting updates from ESPN on your...

What Supplements Are You Taking? Volume 2

Don’t buy supplements you don’t need just because some kid at a store says you should.  Put your money to the 20% of supplements that will give you 80% of the results. Disclaimer:  It took me 7 years to graduate college but it does not make me a doctor.  Don’t...