Motivation: You’re a Crappy Friend

How to ride the motivational wave and create habits to ensure longterm success. While editing The Beginner’s Guide to Fitness, I stopped to think about what motivates me to wake up at 3:30, read and hit the gym by 5 every weekday morning.  Yea I could say it is some...

The Lost Art of the Superset

Back right around the time your parents were rocking out to disco with their platform shoes and polyester suits, there was a style of training that is rarely seen in today’s gyms.  The intensity, the incredible volume all performed under the Venice Beach sun.  This...

Self Love: Happiness Tied to Likes

How to win the morning, tame your triggers and helpful practices to help you improve your self-love. I hate social media.  The constant updates.  The need to know what someone you talked to once in high school is doing right now.  Seeing people bury their faces in...

The TV Workout

Catching up on Stranger Things is time consuming; which means exercise is the odd man out in your day. Here’s how to lose weight while still binge watching TV until your eyes bleed. Let me start off with this…I LOVE TV. I’ll watch just about anything – if...

How To Get Off The Hamster Wheel

Don’t stay on the hamster wheel longer than you should.  Use the tricks I’ve used over the years to get yourself off the wheel and into a better you. It’s a great time of year.  The new Madden comes out (yes I went to the midnight release), football is...