by Dave Bonollo | Jul 24, 2016 | Fitness
The gym, like a woman, needs to be warmed up. Don’t be that guy, who just jumps in and out. Warm up properly and you can stay in the game longer. Be honest. How often do you warm up before a workout? Warming up properly will help reduce your risk of injury,...
by Dave Bonollo | May 29, 2016 | Diet, Fat Loss, Fitness
You’ve decided you want to start to get in shape or getting rippling abs but where do you start? The logical place is the internet. Do a quick Google search for “Get in shape” and now you’re inundated with a million different ways to do it. From people...
by Dave Bonollo | May 22, 2016 | Diet, Fat Loss, Fitness
Still stuck in an endless loop of helplessness? Have you exhausted “all” the ways to get in shape, get abs or just lose weight? Does it seem like it will never happen for you? I think it’s time you start developing a muscle- your motivation muscle. Yes, the...
by Dave Bonollo | May 15, 2016 | Fitness
What Motivates You? How come you can’t lose weight and get into the best shape of your life today? You have all the know-how from reading books and websites but still you fail. Is it because your job is crazy stressful? Kids are taking up all your time? Do you have...
by Dave Bonollo | Mar 20, 2016 | Fitness
See if you can pick out my top played artists and which ones are my 17 yr. old sister-in-law’s top played. Top Played Artists # 1 Top Played Artists # 2 If you guessed mine was #2 your right. A 17 yr. old girl is more rugged than I am. That’s cool with me...