M.I.L.F. Your Way to Fat Loss

I know the key to fat loss, I just have to do more cardio. It makes sense, right? Fat loss is basically can you burn more than you consume? To maximize the calorie burn you have to do more.  So put your running shoes on, get a good playlist and run in place until you...
How to Bulk and Not Look Like Moby Dick

How to Bulk and Not Look Like Moby Dick

Have you been working out for months or *gasp* years without putting on muscle? Did you follow the magazines and eat 7000 calories a day only to look like Moby Dick? Or were you told, “You NEED this mass gainer”? If you answered Yes to any of these questions then the...

Is DOMS Cramping Your Style?

Guest post by Liam Howells Can You Really Speed Up Recovery From Muscle Soreness?   You’ve been training hard in the gym for a while now. You’re getting fitter, stronger and starting to look better too. People are starting to check you out; and rightly so.  ...