The 300 Rep Workout

I get bored easily. Bad for the girlfriends I had in high school, but it has been beneficial when it comes to the gym. I tend to experiment a lot with different workout paradigms and this workout is no different. In June, I decided to go back to an old favorite,...


DOMS makes more people cry than The Notebook.  I’ll give you 15 different ways to make getting off the toilet after leg day just a little easier. Before you start, I’m thinking of getting some sweet-ass Aesthetic Physiques t-shirts made.  If you’re...

Warmup Exercises: Even the Gym Needs Foreplay

  The gym, like a woman, needs to be warmed up.  Don’t be that guy, who just jumps in and out.  Warm up properly and you can stay in the game longer. Be honest.  How often do you warm up before a workout? Warming up properly will help reduce your risk of injury,...

The Slow Carb Diet: Sexifying My 60 yr Old Dad

  How do you change 60 years of bad eating habits?  With results, simplicity and ease of use.  Thankfully The Slow Carb Diet ™ crushes all three. Mar 3, 2016 text from Dad: “Just giving you an update on your oldest non paying client.  Started at 223.4 lbs. ...